Say Yes To Card Payment!

Say Yes To Card Payment!

"#Better Than Cash" a New Campaign Launched by Credit Libanais in Partnership with MasterCard Paving the Way Towards a Cashless Society

[Beirut, 01/09/2023] – Credit Libanais, is glad to announce the commencement of a card acceptance campaign "#Better Than Cash" in collaboration with Mastercard, aimed at spearheading the shift towards a cashless society.

The campaign addressing the merchants will be communicated in two main messages, the first one "شغلها بتشتغل اكتر" in order to push merchants to reactivate their POS machines and the second one "Say Yes to Cards" to accept the payment by card in order to grow their business.

The "#Better Than Cash" campaign, launched in conjunction with Mastercard, has been designed also to target cardholders to change their behavior from cash to using a card for their daily purchases in-store and online in a country where cash transactions have been the norm for generations.

Credit Libanais and Mastercard recognize the need for digital transition, therefore by encouraging merchants to activate their POS machines, they pave the way for a seamless, safe, and convenient payment experience for customers, boosting sales and stimulating economic activity.

This move away from the cash economy will also tend to lead to greater transparency in doing financial transactions, contributing to the overall stability and development of Lebanon's financial landscape.

Mrs. Randa Bdeir, Deputy General Manager and Head of Electronic Payment Solutions and Card Technology at Credit Libanais, expressed her enthusiasm about the campaign, stating, "The aim of this national campaign is simple, we are addressing merchants and encouraging them to boost their sales by welcoming cards as a secure and safe mode of payment. This campaign will form the cornerstone of providing better conditions for citizens and tourists to shop and to meet their daily needs by allowing them to use their cards instead of carrying large amounts of cash."

Mrs. Bdeir added: "As part of this innovative initiative, Credit Libanais will provide participating merchants with comprehensive training, and ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition into the digital payment ecosystem."

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